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Go beyond fulfilling compliance requirements. Observe tax opportunities for you to make the best decisions to your business. Mitigate risks under challenging tax world.

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Hong Kong Tax Treaty Network

Under Hong Kong Transfer Pricing Law, a multinational enterprise group (MNE Group) is required...

Hong Kong Withholding Tax Rates under DTA

Table: Withholding Tax Rates under Comprehensive Double Taxation Agreement /...

Transfer Pricing Documentation

A Hong Kong entity of a group engaging in transactions with associated entities is required to prepare a Master File and a Local File, subject to certain exemptions. To be specific, if a Hong Kong company reaches the following Criteria (A) and (B), it is required to prepare a Master File and a Local File for submission to the Inland Revenue Department upon request:

Country by Country Reporting In Hong Kong

Under Hong Kong Transfer Pricing Law, a multinational enterprise group (MNE Group) is required...